
From Bootstrap - Demo Wiki

Websites using Bootstrap can be styled with a set of predefined color classes for background, border and text color. The classes can be applied using the generic bg-, bg-gradient-, border- and text- prefixes, to specific component prefixes such as alert- and passed as parameter values to BootstrapComponents extension elements. Note that a color style may use different hex color codes if they're applied using generic or specific classes. See the examples below for more information.


Name Description Prefixes Extension
Black-50 Black color with 50% transparency used on text. text-
Danger A red color used mainly as background. alert- badge- bg- text- Alert, Badge, Button, Card, Modal, Popover
Dark A gray color used as background and text. alert- badge- bg- text- Alert, Badge, Button, Card, Modal, Popover
Info A gray color used as background and text. alert- badge- bg- text- Alert, Badge, Button, Card, Modal, Popover
Light A light gray color used as background and text. alert- badge- bg- text- Alert, Badge, Button, Card, Modal, Popover
Muted A light gray color used usually applied to text of minor relevance. text-
Primary A light blue color used mainly as primary background. alert- badge- bg- text- Button, Alert, Badge, Card, Modal, Popover
Secondary A grey color used mainly as background. alert- badge- bg- text- Alert, Badge, Button, Card, Modal, Popover
Success A light green color used mainly as background. alert- badge- bg- text- Alert, Badge, Button, Card, Modal, Popover
Transparent A transparent background that will take on the color of its container. bg-
Warning A yellow color used as background or text over dark background. alert- badge- bg- text- Alert, Badge, Button, Card, Modal, Popover
White White can be used as background and as text color on top of dark backgrounds. bg- text- Alert, Badge, Button, Card, Modal, Popover
White-50 White color with 50% transparency used on text. text-