Popover – Popovers with different sizes and placement

From Bootstrap - Demo Wiki
Name Popover
Description Popovers with different sizes and placement
Provider BootstrapComponents
Reference BootstrapComponents Extension docs - popover
Styling For all possible color styles and corresponding examples, see colors.

Different sizes

<bootstrap_popover text="Small" heading="Header" size="sm">This is the main content of the popover. It can have a lot more text than a simple tooltip. The larger the content is, the bigger the popover will be in order to accommodate all of it.</bootstrap_popover>
<bootstrap_popover text="Medium" heading="Header" size="md">This is the main content of the popover. It can have a lot more text than a simple tooltip. The larger the content is, the bigger the popover will be in order to accommodate all of it.</bootstrap_popover>
<bootstrap_popover text="Large" heading="Header" size="lg">This is the main content of the popover. It can have a lot more text than a simple tooltip. The larger the content is, the bigger the popover will be in order to accommodate all of it.</bootstrap_popover>

Different placement

<bootstrap_popover text="Top" heading="Header" placement="top">This is the main content of the popover. It can have a lot more text than a simple tooltip. The larger the content is, the bigger the popover will be in order to accommodate all of it.</bootstrap_popover>
<bootstrap_popover text="Right" heading="Header" placement="right">This is the main content of the popover. It can have a lot more text than a simple tooltip. The larger the content is, the bigger the popover will be in order to accommodate all of it.</bootstrap_popover>
<bootstrap_popover text="Bottom" heading="Header" placement="bottom">This is the main content of the popover. It can have a lot more text than a simple tooltip. The larger the content is, the bigger the popover will be in order to accommodate all of it.</bootstrap_popover>
<bootstrap_popover text="Left" heading="Header" placement="left">This is the main content of the popover. It can have a lot more text than a simple tooltip. The larger the content is, the bigger the popover will be in order to accommodate all of it.</bootstrap_popover>